St. Francis Birds Tour
Die Vogelpredigt oder Das Schreien der Mönche
dir. Clemens Klopfenstein
Switzerland / Italy, 2005 - 88
Two older actors from Bern visit the director they worked with ten years earlier. They want to convince him to make a sequel to their earlier successful film. This would be a fiery, colorful work with beautiful women in Africa. The director, however, has withdrawn into asceticism, eschewing consumption. He despises the mainstream and persuades the two to act in a Franciscan film titled "St. Francis Birds Tour". In monk’s clothes, the actors are led to the rehearsals in the Sibylline woods. There the director suddenly disappears…
A philosophical treatise enclosed in a paradoxical formulation, this is the fourth part of Klopfenstein’s unusual long-term study called "Bern Men".
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