Days and Hours
Kod amidze Idriza
dir. Pjer Žalica
, 2004 - 96
Peace has finally come to Sarajevo. There is no sign of a house shot to smithereens or a foreign soldier. Everything looks peaceful in the home of the elderly couple Idriz and Sabira. One day, their nephew Fuke comes by to repair the boiler and have a chat.
As the director says, this is “a film about a war with not a single image of it and not a single word about it.” A powerful, deeply human, psychological portrait of a city and its inhabitants, who have lived through hell, a story infused with dark humour. The director skilfully blends gentle farce with wry commentary on bleak situations, his point of view is unerringly, unrelentingly honest and revealing, always retaining a sense of irony and a remarkable ability to find comedy in tragedy.
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