Gayby Baby
Gayby Baby
dir. Maya Newell
Australia, 2015 - 86
Director Maya Newell, herself brought up by two mothers, presents the stories of four unusual kids growing up with same-sex parents.
Gus, 10, is obsessed with the masculine world of wrestling. Ebony, 12, dreams of being a pop singer. Graham, 11, was neglected so badly by his birth parents before he was adopted that he can barely read. Matt, 11, who is being brought up by very religious mothers, is having his first crisis of faith.
Growing up is tough, and growing up with same-sex parents is even tougher, despite the love and support you get from your parents. Showing us their lives, the children present their personal point of view about the whole situation with humour and great maturity. People say that children sometimes have better ideas than adults. It's worth listening to them.
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