The Naked
dir. Witold Świętnicki
Poland, 2001 - 75
The Ten Commandments (of the film's creators)
I. You don't have to be professional actor to play in "Nudes", but you will need guts, because from beginning to end all the film characters will appear naked. (Świętnicki)
II. The story is set in an office. All the characters are clerks. Everyone is naked, but they don't f...k, because the film is about psychology. (Jaworski)
III. The film has nothing to do with pornography. The idea is crazy, yet there is method in this madness. Even simple truths, when expressed by naked people, take on a special meaning. (Świętnicki)
IV. The screenplay's motto comes from the Book of Genesis where it speaks of nakedness and shame. (Jaworski)
V. Everything looks normal: desks, telephones, a computer, only the clerks and petitioners will be naked. (Świętnicki)
VI. A clerk's life is full of danger! (Jaworski)
VII. What we do is not typical for the cinema. Generally, films are similar. After 10 minutes you know what's going to happen next. We want to do something different. I assure you, in my film you will never be able to predict the progress of events. (Świętnicki)
VIII. Brilliant action and witty dialogues are the strengths of this unconventional screenplay. (Jaworski, Świętnicki)
IX. So many things can happen during a working day: a dog can bite you, you can get canned knuckle from the social affairs department, the telephone operator from the next room will pop in for a bit of gossip, you can have a cup of coffee, listen to the radio, watch TV, sometimes someone can accidentally blow up the office. (Jaworski)
X. Amen. (Świętnicki)
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