dir. Pedro Almodóvar
Spain / France, 1993 - 112
"'Kika' is my eleventh film. It is at the same time a way of saying good-bye to certain themes and putting myself in a new beginning, setting myself up for a new cycle. I don't know what that cycle is going to be, or what it is. I don't think that I am going to change in a very radical way. I will still deal with passionate characters, very free women, and there still will be color in my films. And yes, there will be sex in my films. It is more a change of attitude. My outlook will be less young, more mature. I think that "Kika" has certain characters from my other films, but I think that it is a very different film. There is an atmosphere of greater unease than in my other films, and it is also a film with a risky narrative structure. It is a film that completely destroys the linearity of the narration and is much more eclectic than any of my earlier films." Pedro Almodovar
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